The world is changing. Technology has become one of the most influential factors in every sector. In education, many academic practitioners are talking about Education 4.0, a method of learning and teaching that shift to innovation-based education. This method requires teachers to have a wide range of knowledge of digital tools and do the part as a facilitator.
Education 4.0 is considered to be the response of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, where digital technologies advance to a more intellectual stage. As a developing country, Indonesia is also exposed to this change. However, is Indonesia really ready to take on this method?
The main difference between Education 3.0 and Education 4.0 is the method. In the presence of technology, the source of information can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Students are no longer depending on their teachers to a get new understanding. Therefore, the role of the teacher has to meet the learning preference of the students.
To understand the need of the students, teachers must be aware of the digital society. They have to be a digital native so that they can assist students to become more creative and innovative. This requirement will only be fulfilled through digital support and awareness.
National media Kompas.com reported on an event that was being held last March. The speakers of the event shared their thoughts about the difficulty of developing Education 4.0 in Indonesia. One of the speakers, Dedi Iswanto, a lecturer, said that the main problem of the development is limited human resources.
Based on the annual report from Data.go.id, most teachers in Indonesia are in the age range of the 30s to 50s. These ages belong to the X generation and Baby Boomers. They aren’t used to new digital technologies that change rapidly. Teachers from these generations will have difficulty following the student’s speed.
Other than human resources, education funding allotment is also considered to be a problem for Education 4.0. Indonesia has a lot of underdeveloped regions. Those regions are much delayed when compared to education in capital regions. Education practitioners in those regions are still struggling between Education 2.0 and Education 3.0. It will be difficult for them to follow the new method of Education 4.0.
The revolution in education will definitely be faced. It is something that can’t be avoided. Therefore, sooner or later, Indonesia’s education system has to prepare to adjust to the new learning method of Education 4.0.